Teletalk Youth 3G Package Call Rate Migration
* 90 Paisa/Min call rate to any local number (24 hours)
*Pulse:1 Sec
* Recharge BDT 29 or 99 to avail 65 Paisa/minute call rate to any local number (24 hours)
*SMS: Teletalk :30 paisa/sms, Other: 40 paisa/sms.


 Teletalk Youth 3G with 1 Sec Pulse   
  • Price of the SIM is Tk. 70.
  • Subscriber will get Tk. 10 as preloaded amount having 30 days validity.
  • Subscriber will also get 50 minutes on-net talktime ,50 SMS (any operator) and 500 MB data having 7 days validity.
  • After SIM actiavation subscriber can enjoy 1GB data by recharging only Tk. 11 up to 1 month as many times as he/she wants. The validity of the 1GB data is 3 days and usable for 24 hours/day.
Teletalk Youth 3G Voice Call Rate  with 1sec pulse
Any Number 24 Hour   (90Paisa/min)
Pulse 1 Sec
Data rate 68 paisa/MB
MMS Teletalk TK. 1.00
SMS Teletalk 30 Paisa
SMS Other 40 Paisa

Migrate To  Teletalk Youth 3G   
Type Y3G and send to 555  (Charge free)

Mobile TV 
To subscribe to mobile TV in your mobile, visit

Rate Cutter Plan:
To subscribe this feature subscriber needs to type RC and send sms to 555 (Charge free).
29Tk Recharge 60 Paisa/Minute 7 days
99Tk Recharge 60 Paisa/Minute 30 days

How do I connect to Teletalk 3G networks ?
If you are first time user please follow the steps as given below to connect to Teletalk 3G network :-
Step-1: Get a USIM with connection/ Upgrade your existing SIM to 3G package.
Step-2: Select network mode to "Dual/WCDMA/3G/UMTS". For data usage dual option might be avoided.
Step-3: Configure your packet data settings with APN "wap" or type "set" and send to 738 to get a message which you need to save with password "1234" in your mobile.
Step-4: After registration, seeing 3G/3.5G/H network symbol on your device and enabling your device data transfer, instantly you may start enjoying 3G services.

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