Teletalk 3G Migration,New 3G sim,Internet Net  data plan pacjkege  & All details  
Teletalk 3G/ 3.9G has covered metro and town of Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Sylhet, Rangpur, khulna, Barisal, Coxs Bazaar, Feni, Comilla, Gazipur, Narayangonj, Bogra, Dinajpur, Mymensingh, Jessore, Faridpur and Gopalgonj

Teletalk YOUTH 2G and YOUTH 3G plan  Plan Details click
YOUTH 3G new SIM 129Tk
YOUTH 2G new SIM 99Tk

Migration Possible
For YOUTH 3G, type Y3G and send to 555. Free
For YOUTH 2G, type Y2G and send to 555. Free

How do I connect to Teletalk 3G networks ?
If you are first time user please follow the steps as given below to connect to Teletalk 3G network :-
Step-1: Get a USIM with connection/ Upgrade your existing SIM to 3G package.
Step-2: Select network mode to "Dual/WCDMA/3G/UMTS". For data usage dual option might be avoided.
Step-3: Configure your packet data settings with APN "wap" or type "set" and send to 738 to get a message which you need to save with password "1234" in your mobile.
Step-4: After registration, seeing 3G/3.5G/H network symbol on your device and enabling your device data transfer, instantly you may start enjoying 3G services.

Teletalk 3G Promotion Data offer for ALL Prepaid users till 31 December
Speed 512kbps plans
1GB 160Tk 10Days Validity.Type "D19" & send to 111
1GB 260Tk 30Days Validity.Type "D31" & send to 111
2GB 350Tk 30Days Validity.Type "D20" & send to 111
5GB 600Tk 30Days Validity.Type "D21" & send to 111
10GB 780Tk 30Days Validity.Type "D22" & send to 111
30GB 1300Tk 30Days Validity.Type "D32" & send to 111
To check the Usage, Type 'u' and send SMS to 111

Teletalk internet configurations
Type "Set" send to 738 . Reply SMS [password cyle "1234" dia] save korun

Teletalk Internet Plans 2G & 3G click
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